Saturday, October 10, 2009

Adult Acne


Adult Acne

Adult acne is a more common occurence than you may think. So you really don't have to be all that embarrassed or feel unprofessional if you happen to suffer from it. For years, many of us have suffered from the misconception that once you hit 18 or may 21 for that matter, your acne will magically disappear, it will magically go away. And when we hit adulthood, we want it to go away, we don't want to look like an overgrown teenager, especially when we obtain more serious careers.
But the simple fact is that your hormones don't automatically die down, in fact they are likely to rise up again in times of stress and for that matter during certain life experiences such as menopause and pregnancy for women. And in some cases, adult acne is actually more severe than teenage acne, though in other cases while still present, it lessens in general severity.
The second most common misconception about adult acne is the idea that you need a specialized treatment. The treatments you used as a teenager are no longer good enough, and you need something that is possibly even harsher and more damaging to the skin, causing redness, peeling, and other symptoms that are just as embarrassing in some ways than the acne itself.
Adult acne in some ways is no different than teenage acne. Unless you have something such as acne rosacea or acne conglobata, the treatments are EXACTLY THE SAME. Believe it or not, your body may seem different, but your hormones for the most part are not if you happen to suffer from adult acne. So don't resort to harsher treatments, definitely don't resort to something like a chemical peel which can easily do irreparable damage to the skin and even disfigure you in some ways.
Instead, use natural and gentle treatments. They are actually some of the most effective treatments for any kind of acne vulgaris. A classic example of this would be tea tree oil. It is generally a little bit more expensive. But it has been shown to be just as effective as benzoyl peroxide. But it actually nourishes your skin, softens it, and it causes no side effects at all according to clinical studies, except in the cases of allergic reaction, which applies to any acne treatment or ingredient in general.
With this in mind, a less expensive and yet still effective alternative would be either salicylic acid or witch hazel. Both of these work in different ways, salicylic acid by peeling away dead skin cells increasing cell turnover and witch hazel as an astringent. But nonetheless, both are extremely effective, common, and extremely affordable. These are treatment options you can find just about anywhere.
Either way, if you suffer from adult acne, you don't have to panic. In fact, though scarring is more likely if you for example pop your zits, there are perfectly natural and appropriate ways to deal with it. You just have to take a realistic approach and most of all, be educated about the adult acne!

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